When selling services to private individuals, you are required to issue a “Service rendered receipt” (myDATA document type 11.2). In some cases, service receipts must be specially marked for taxation purposes. Elorus integrates with SoftOne EINVOICING, a certified provider of electronic invoicing services, to issue legally stamped receipts.
- The guide assumes you’re working on a new Elorus organization, so this step can be omitted.
First lets create a contact so there is someone to bill. Since the case is a “Service Rendered Receipt” no VAT number is needed and only minimal contact information will be used. In a business context, contacts are individuals or businesses whom you transact with; typically your clients, leads, suppliers and partners. Since Elorus will let you manage your sales as well as your expenses, a contact may represent either a client or a supplier (or even both).
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token ~Your-API-key~" -H "X-Elorus-Organization: ~Your-Organization-ID~" https://api.elorus.com/v1.1/contacts/ -d '{"client_type": "4", "first_name": "Γιώργος", "last_name":"Παπαδόπουλος", "is_client": true, "is_supplier":false}'
Search e.g. by “first_name” & “last_name”, to get the contact ID. Retrieved contact ID in this case is “2480507735397893496”.
curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token ~Your-API-key~" -H "X-Elorus-Organization: ~Your-Organization-ID~" https://api.elorus.com/v1.1/contacts/?search="Γιώργος Παπαδόπουλος"&search_fields=first_name,last_name
In this case, a “Service Rendered Receipt” document type will be needed. There is a “Service Rendered Receipt” document type pre-created.
Default title is “Απόδειξη παροχής υπηρεσιών”. Search by “title”, to get the document type ID. Retrieved document type ID in this case is “2480464981884143585”.
In case the title is changed or the document type is missing, use the Elorus UI to create a new one.
curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token ~Your-API-key~" -H "X-Elorus-Organization: ~Your-Organization-ID~" https://api.elorus.com/v1.1/documenttypes/?search="Απόδειξη παροχής υπηρεσιών"&search_fields=title
By default there are some taxes preset in Elorus. Usually 24% tax is used for Greece “Service Rendered Receipt” so the preset tax will be retrieved and used. In case there is a need for a new tax to be created, use of Elorus' UI is mandatory.
Optional steps to create new tax:
Search by “percentage”, to get the tax ID. Retrieved tax ID in this case is “2476911428611605999”. Make sure that “aade_type”:1 is in the response packet.
curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token ~Your-API-key~" -H "X-Elorus-Organization: ~Your-Organization-ID~" https://api.elorus.com/v1.1/taxes/?search="24"&search_fields=percentage
The final step, is to create the Receipt itself. The list below describes all the needed fields.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token ~Your-API-key~" -H "X-Elorus-Organization: ~Your-Organization-ID~" https://api.elorus.com/v1.1/invoices/ -d '{"calculator_mode": "total", "currency_code": "EUR", "exchange_rate": "1.000000", "client": "2480507735397893496", "date": "2022-5-16", "draft": true, "documenttype": "2480464981884143585", "mydata_document_type": "11.2", "items": [{"title": "Αναβάθμιση λογισμικού", "unit_total": "12.4", "quantity": "1", "taxes": ["2476911428611605999"], "mydata_classification_category": "category1_3", "mydata_classification_type": "E3_561_003"}], "paid_on_receipt": "12.4", "payment_method": "3"}'